创新 公司可持续发展的生命力;
Innovation Our continuous development motivation;
价值 客户、员工、股东始终是公司的宝贵财富;
Value Customers, employees and shareholders are always our fortune;
责任 为客户创造价值,为公司创造效益;
Duty Create value for customers, creating benefits for the company;
学习 努力实现个人价值,受人尊敬;
Studying To realize the value of individual, and be respected;
沟通 坦率、诚实的交流,及时解决存在的问题;
Communication Frank, honest communication, for solving problems in time;
信心 与公司共同成长,坚持追求品质,一切皆有可能;
Confidence To grow with the company, adhere to the pursuit of quality, everything is possible;
道德 主动承担社会责任,爱护环境,慈善助人;
Morality Social responsibility, protect the environment, and wish to help other people;
文化 管理透明、遵守承诺、善于思考与变革、工作并快乐着。
Culture Transparent management, keep promise, be good at thinking and innovation, and happy work.